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Coffee County Soccer League

Player Injuries

Soccer is a contact sport and unfortunately injuries can happen.  If you need to make an insurance claim with Tennessee State Soccer Association, please follow the link below.

TN State Soccer Association Incident Report

Things to Know

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When are games?
-We plan all of our games for Saturdays with a few exceptions for makeup games.

When are practices?  
-Our league uses volunteer coaches.  Whoever volunteers to coach your child's team will get to pick the practice time.  If your child needs a specific practice time, you may want to consider volunteering to coach so you can pick the time.  We don't move players because a practice time is inconvenient for parents.  

Where are games?
-Most of our games and all of our practices are held at the Coffee County Soccer Complex, with the exception of U12 and U16 teams that travel for interleague games with Franklin County and Tullahoma.  U12 and u16 coaches will pass on information for any games not at the Coffee County Soccer Complex.  Here is a diagram of the fields at the Coffee County Soccer Complex to help you find your practice or game location.  

Parent Code of Conduct
-CCSL is a place for everyone to learn to love the game.  Players, coaches, and refs are going to make mistakes and that is OK.  It's part of learning the game.   Offensive behavior towards players, coaches, or referees is not tolerated.   Parent Code of Conduct

Why do parents sit on the opposite sideline as the players?
-First off, it is a US Soccer rule, and we fall under their regulations.  The idea behind the rule is safety though.  Only registered players and coaches are allowed on the technical side of the field.  This will continue throughout your child's years playing soccer.


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